The Confident Communicator : Making an offline soft skills academy go completely digital

Marketing Solutions
Performance Marketing
Visual + Brand Identity
Social Media
Website Visual Design

At The Confident Communicator, the focus and endeavour is to create an environment of learning where kids venture beyond the world of academia. They help them focus on their inner strengths and abilities and rise to be confident communicators while having fun. They also recognise the need for courage, resilience and determination.

While the brand had never forayed into the world of digital, we gave them a new lease of life by ensuring that all digital touch points were marketed to relevant audiences through smart, catchy and real-time content. The biggest challenge was identifying the right target group in terms of marketing. This was done through a market survey that coupled digital marketing with relevant pieces of content.

Creating a truly seamless shift in communication

Making the bold move from traditional marketing to online

We also enhanced the entire brand identity to be consistent, contemporary and extremely scalable. All these elements came together in the form of a performance marketing campaign that saw over a 10% conversion rate, bringing in 300+ leads.

We also created a truly unique experience through the use of smart and timely mailer campaigns ensuring the schedule of classes and programmes was always top of mind for the target audience.

We also created a unified and consistent visual identity. The way the courses were showcased on the website played a huge roll in children wanting to adopt to the brand purely based on how much fun it looked.


ABinBev : Corporate Whitepaper Design


Pulp : Performance Marketing